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100+ TOP Transportation Engineering LAB VIVA Questions and Answers

Transportation Engineering LAB VIVA Questions :-

  1. What do you mean by elongation index of an aggregate?
  2. What do you infer from elongation index?
  3. How the elongation index of the sample helps in deciding the design of a highway?
  4. What do you mean by flakiness index of an aggregate?
  5. What do you infer from flakiness index?
  6. How the flakiness index of the sample helps in deciding the design of a highway?
  7. How is aggregate Impact expressed?
  8. What do you understand by dry and wet Impact value?
  9. Aggregate Impact value of material A is 15 and that of B is 35. Which one is better for surface course?
  10. The abrasion value found from Los Angeles test for two aggregates A and B are 50% and 38% respectively. Which aggregate is harder? Why? For what types of constructions are these suitable?
  11. Why Los Angeles abrasion test is considered superior to the other form of tests which are used to determine the hardness of aggregates?
  12. Two materials have abrasion values 3 and 10 respectively. Which one is harder and why?
  13. How does the Water absorption of the coarse aggregate affects the mix design of concrete?
  14. Define flash and fire points.
  15. What is the significance of flash and fire point test?
  16. What are the parameter that affects the result of flash and fire point tests?
  17. Define specific gravity.
  18. What is the use of finding specific gravity?
  19. What are the factors affecting specific gravity test?
  20. What are the applications of penetration test?
  21. What do you understand by the term 30/40 bitumen?
  22. What are the precautions to be taken while conducting a penetration test?
  23. What are the factors which affect the ring and ball test results?
  24. What is softening point? If material A has softening point of 56 and B has 42 which binder is good and why?
  25. List the factors that affect the result of a ductility test.
  26. What do you understand by the term repeatability and reproducibility?
  27. Explain the significance of ductility test.
  28. Explain the term viscosity.
  29. What are the uses of viscosity test?
  30. What are the precautions to be taken during viscosity test using orifice viscometer?
  31. What is the significance of flow value in Marshall Test?
  32. What is filler?
  33. What are the essential properties of bituminous mixes?
  34. What are the lab tests on bitumen
  35. What is Ten percent fines ?
  36. What is Angularity number?
  37. What is Marshall stability ?
  38. What is Flow value?
  39. What is CBR?
  40. What is PHF?
  41. What is OMC?
  42. What is PCU?
  43. What is Desire line diagram?