LCM of 3 Numbers Calculator LCM of 4 Numbers Calculator LCM of 5 Numbers Calculator LCD Calculator How to find LCM LCM and HCF Questions Least Common Denominator Calculator Greatest Common Divisor Calculator HCF Calculator HCF of 3 Numbers Calculator HCF of 4 Numbers Calculator GCD Calculator Greatest Common Factor Calculator Least Common Multiple Calculator Common Factors Calculator

LCM of two or more Fractions Calculator

LCM of Fractions Examples

What are Fractions?

A fraction is a component of a whole number system. Mathematically, the number is expressed as a quotient, where the numerator and denominator are separated. Both are integers in a simple fraction. A fraction appears in the form of both numerator & denominator.

How Do I Calculate LCM?

The most common method to find LCM is to first find out the multiples of both numbers & then the smallest common multiple between the numbers is the LCM. Suppose we want to calculate the LCM of ‘3’ & ’4’. The smallest positive integer that is evenly divisible by both ‘3’ & ’4’ is the LCM for two numbers ‘3’ & ’4’, indicated by the symbol LCM(3,4). The smallest common multiple between these numbers is ‘12’.

(try to explain in one paragraph take some example, simply explain don’t give steps)

What is Least Common Denominator?

The smallest number among the denominators out of all the common multiples that may be used for all denominators of fractions is known as the "Least Common Denominator."

Here, a fraction has 2 parts, numerator & denominator (which are written above & below the line respectively). & "a Common Denominator" means when 2 or more fractions have the same bottom number.

Step by Step Method to Calculate LCM of Fractions

  1. Check the two fractions of which we want to calculate the LCM.
  2. Calculate the LCM of only numerators of the fractions.
  3. Take the numbers of only the denominators & calculate their HCF.
  4. Put the values in the formula for calculating the LCM of fractions.

LCM of a fractions = [LCM (numerators) / HCF (denominators)]

  1. We can verify the answer by dividing the LCM by any of the fractions. It should be completely divisible.

LCM of Fractions: Solved Example


Calculate the LCM of fractions 4/3 & 5/6.


Here, we need to calculate the LCM of numerators i.e. LCM (4, 5)

Now, LCM (4, 5) = 20

Now, we need to calculate the HCF of numerators i.e. HCF (3, 6).

Here, factors of 3 = 1 x 3

& factors of 9 = 1 x 2 x 3

Hence the HCF (3, 9) = 3

Now to calculate the LCM of fractions we need to use the formula:

LCM of a fractions = [LCM (numerators) / HCF (denominators)]

So, LCM of fractions 4/3 & 5/6 is 20 / 3.

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FAQs on Free Online LCM of Fractions Calculator with Steps

1. What is the least common denominator in a fraction?

The least common denominator in a fraction is identified as the smallest number among the common multiples when there are 2 or more fractions available.

2. What is the LCD of 3 and 7?

The Least Common Denominator of 3 and 7 is 21.

3. Why do we simplify fractions?

The fractions can be simplified to make the calculation process easier or simpler.