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Factor Tree Calculator

Created By : Prasanna
Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty
Last Updated at : Jan 3,2024

Factor Tree Calculator is an online tool that shows the factors of a given number. This online functional calculator makes the calculations easy and quick for you. Enter the numerals in the input field. Click on the 'calculate' button to get the factors. It will show all the factors in a fraction of a second.

Ex: Factor Tree of 25 (or) Factor Tree of 46 (or) Factor Tree of 57

Factor Tree of:

Factor Tree Calculator: Feel like calculating factors takes too much of your time and only gets boring. Not anymore with our Factor Tree Calculator you can do all your Factor Tree calculations swiftly and easily in a fraction of a second, just input the number whose factors you want to see and click the calculate button. With a description side-by-side in a detailed manner to let you understand its concept clearly and deeply.

Factor Tree Examples:


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What are Factors?

Factors of any value in mathematics are those numbers which are exactly divided by the value and have no remainder left. Factors of any value can not be greater than their original value and the lowest factor of any value will always be 1 means if you find factors of 12, there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12. The lowest factor will always be 1 and the highest factor is 12 itself.

There are certain standard things you need to know before you calculate the factors of any number or value.

  1. Factors are only those numbers which are perfectly divided with the value or number with no remainder left.
  2. There are no certain standard limits of factors for any value or number. It can vary from number to number.
  3. Lowest factor of any value or number will always be equal to 1.
  4. Highest factor of any value or number will always be equal to that value whose factor is determined.

What are Prime Factors And Composite Factors?

Factors are broadly classified into Prime Factors and Composite Factors. Prime Factors of any value are those numbers which are Prime numbers and exactly divide with the value with no remainder left. Example – Prime Factors of 14 are – 2 and 7. Here 2 and 7 both are prime numbers and exactly divide the 12 with no remainder left. Composite Factors are of any value which has more than two factors. Example – Factors of 12 are 1,2, 3, 4, 6, and 12, so we can say 12 have composite factors.

What is a Factor Tree?

A factor tree is a way of expressing the factor of any value or number in the form of branches which are further split to represent the factor of that particular branch. Usually, the factor tree is used to determine the end prime factors of any value or number whose factor needs to be determined.

Factor trees start with the top number or value whose factor needs to be determined after that it further splits into two branches putting those numbers which if both branches’ numbers multiply together will give the number or value from which these branches are being originated. This process will continue for each branch until we get prime numbers at the end which cannot be further divisible by any other number.

Steps to Determine Factor Tree of a Number

There are certain steps which you need to follow chronologically to find the factor of any value or number and also be able to draw a factor tree.

  1. First you need to roughly estimate how many factors are available for that value or number whose factor needs to be determined.
  2. Now you need to check the lowest factor of that value except 1, and divide that number by the value whose factor you need to determine. Always check that the remainder should always be zero to cross verify.
  3. Now take the lowest factor and divide that value with the value or number whose factor you need to determine such that you get no remainder left in the end.
  4. Next you need to put the values of the divisor(d) and quotient(q) which you have found in the above division and put those two values in the branches of value or number whose factor needs to be determined.
  5. Next, find the further factors of the first branch and consequently for the second branch.
  6. Repeat the Step 1, 2 and 3 for each branch until you find those prime numbers at the end which are not further divisible.
  7. This is the way you can find the factors and factor tree of the value or number. 

Factor Tree Calculation Example with Solution


 Determine the factors and draw the factor tree of 32.


Factors of 32 are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32

Sofirstly, You need to roughly determine the factors of 32 which are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32.

Now you need to check the lowest factor of 32 which is here 1, but as we mentioned above you need to accept only the lowest factor except 1 so the next lowest factor of 32 is 2 here.

Now divide the 2 with the 32 such that there is no remainder left at the end.

So, divisor here is 2 and dividend is 32 and we get 16 as a Quotient and Remainder Zero.

Now the lowest factor(divisor) and quotient are the values of branches respectively.

Next, you need to find the factors of each branch one by one:

  1. Factors of 2 are 1, 2 so here, there is no other number except 1 or 2 itself which further divides 2.
  1. The factors of 16 are 1,2,4,8,16, so here the lowest factor is 2 except 1 and the highest factor is 8 except 16 itself.

Now 2 and 8 are the branches of 16.

Now you find the factors 2 and 8 which are the branches of 16 which is a further branch of 32.

  1. Factors of 2 are 1, 2 so here, there is no other number except 1 or 2 itself which further divides 2.
  1. Factors of 8 are 1, 2, 4, and 8 so here lowest factor is 2 except 1 and the highest factor is 4 except 8 itself.

Now 2 and 4 are branches of 8.

Now you find the factors 2 and 4 which are the branches of 8 which is a further branch of 16 which are further branches of 32.

  1. Factors of 2 are 1, 2 so here, there is no other number except 1 or 2 itself which further divides 2.
  1. Factors of 4 are 1, 2, and 4 so here the lowest factor is 2 except 1 and the highest factor is 2 except 4 itself.

Now 2 and 2 are branches of 4.

Now you find the factors of 2 and 2 which are the branches of 4 which are the branches of 8 which are a further branch of 16 which is a further branch of 32.

Here we get 2 and 2 which are prime numbers which cannot be further divisible by any other number except 1 and itself.

Hence we get the factors of 32 and a factor tree of 32 can be drawn as given below,

Answer all your math factorial problems easier and faster with our site providing a free online Factor Tree Calculator for your factorial concepts.

FAQs on Factor Tree Calculator With Solution

FAQs on Factor Tree Calculator With Solution

1. What is 24-factor tree?

Factor tree for 24 consists of the factors of 24 that are, 1,2,3,4,6,8,12, and 24. Thus, 24 have a total of 8 factors.

2. What is the tree method?

The tree method involves the classification and corresponding values to them. It consists of a combination of different classes.

3. What is the factor tree of 16?

The Factor tree of 16 represents the factorization of 16 as 16=2×2×2×2.

Factor Tree Calculator

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