Want to know what the GCF of 86 and 94 is? We will not only show you the answer but will also teach you two different methods through which you can easily find the greatest common factor of 86 and 94. Otherwise, you can utilise our handy GCF Calculator tool to quickly get the result.
In this method, we have to list the factors of 86 and 94 separately and then select the highest number that appears in both lists. This will be your greatest common factor.
The factors of 86 are 1 , 2 , 43 , and 86
The factors of 94 are 1 , 2 , 47 , and 94
As you can see from the aforementioned lists, the largest number that is present in both lists is 2. Therefore, we can determine that the GCF of 86 and 94 is 2.
This is prime factorization. Essentially, you have to divide both 86 and 94 with the same prime number and keep going until the numbers can no longer be divided by the same prime number. At that point, you must stop the process and multiply the prime numbers on the left side. The result will be the greatest common factor.
2 | 86, 94 |
43, 47 |
From the picture, we can see that 43 and 47 cannot be divided by the same number again. So, all we have to do is now multiply the prime numbers on the left.
2 = 2
Hence, the GCF of 86 and 94 is 2.
Given numbers are 86 and 94
To find the greatest common factor of 86 and 94
The GCF of 86 and 94 is 2.
1. What are the LCM and GCF of 86 and 94?
The LCM and GCF of 86 and 94 are 4042 and 2.
2. How to get the GCF of 86 and 94?
The GCF of 86 and 94 can be calculated by finding the factors of both numbers and identifying the highest common factor in both.
3. What are the Methods to Find GCF of 86, 94?
The 2 different methods to find the greatest common factor of 86 and 94 are prime factorization and factors of both numbers.