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HCF of 774, 756, 918 using Euclid's algorithm

Created By : Jatin Gogia
Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty
Last Updated at : Mar 29,2023

Want to know how to use Euclid’s algorithm to find the HCF of 774, 756, 918 ? Well, you have come to the right place. In this article, you will be learning about Euclid’s algorithm and how to use it to calculate the HCF with ease.
Take the help of the HCF Calculator using the Euclid Division Algorithm which finds HCF of 774, 756, 918 using Euclid's algorithm i.e 18 quickly.


HCF of:

Detailed Method to Find the HCF of 774,756,918 using Euclid's algorithm

Euclid’s algorithm is written as a = bq + r. This is known as the division lemma. The variable r varies according to 0 ≤ r ≤ b. We can use this to figure out the HCF of 774,756,918. This is how to do it.

Step 1: The first step is to use the division lemma with 774 and 756 because 774 is greater than 756

774 = 756 x 1 + 18

Step 2: Here, the reminder 756 is not 0, we must use division lemma to 18 and 756, to get

756 = 18 x 42 + 0

As you can see, the remainder is zero, so you may end the process at this point. From the last equation, we can determine that the divisor is 18.Therefore, the HCF of 774 and 756 is equal to 18

Notice that 18 = HCF(756,18) = HCF(774,756) .

Now, we must treat the HCF of the first two numbers as the next number in our calculation, and next

Step 1: The first step is to use the division lemma with 918 and 18 because 918 is greater than 18

918 = 18 x 51 + 0

As you can see, the remainder is zero, so you may end the process at this point. From the last equation, we can determine that the divisor is 18.Therefore, the HCF of 18 and 918 is equal to 18

Notice that 18 = HCF(918,18) .


Hence, the HCF of 774, 756, 918 is equal to 18.

FAQ on HCF of 774, 756, 918 using Euclid's Algorithm

1. What is the Euclid division algorithm?

Answer: Euclid’s algorithm is represented as a = bq + r, and 0 ≤ r ≤ b..

2. How do you find HCF using Euclid's algorithm ?

Answer: Apply the division lemma to the numbers, and keep going until the remainder is zero. Once it becomes zero, the divisor will be your HCF.

3. What is the HCF of 774, 756, 918?

Answer: The HCF of 774, 756, 918 is 18.