Use our free GCF of Fractions Calculator tool to compute the GCF of 353/69, 193/257 i.e 1/17733 easily. The following is the detailed procedure to determine the greatest common factor of fractions 353/69, 193/257.
Enter two or more fractions separated by "commas"
Ex: 2/3, 5/7 or 3/5, 5/9, 7/3
Given fractions are 353/69,193/257
To find the GCF of fractions, we have to find the GCF of numerator numbers and LCM of denominator numbers. Its formula is given by
GCF of Fraction = Greatest Common Factor of Numerator/Least Common Multiple of Denominators
In the fractions 353/69,193/257, numerators are 353,193
Denominators are 69,257
The GCF of 353,193 is 1 .
LCM of 69,257 is 17733.
The greatest common factor of 353/69,193/257 = [GCF of 353,193]/[LCM of 69,257]= 1/17733
Therefore, the GCF of 353/69,193/257 is 1/17733.
To find the highest common factor of 353,193, we have to find the factors of both numbers and list the highest common factor.
The factors of 353 are 1, 353
The factors of 193 are 1, 193
The HCF of 353,193 is 1.
Lets's calculate GCF of 353,193
∴ So GCF of numbers is 1 because of no common factors present between them.
Now, list down the factors of 353
Now, list down the factors of 193
Greatest Common Factor
We found the factors 353,193 . The biggest common factor number is the GCF number.
So the greatest common factor 353,193 is 1.
Lets's calculate LCM of 69,257
Given numbers has no common factors except 1. So, there LCM is their product i.e 17733
Thus GCF of Fractions = GCF of Numerators/LCM of Denominators = 1/17733
Therefore, the GCF of Fractions 353/69,193/257 is 1/17733
The formula of LCM is LCM(a1,a2,a3....,an) = ( a1 × a2 × a3 × .... × an) / GCF(a1,a2,a3....,an) x common factors(if more than 2 numbers have common factors).
We need to calculate greatest common factor of 69,257 and common factors if more than two numbers have common factor, than apply into the LCM equation.
GCF(69,257) = 1
common factors(in case of two or more numbers have common factors) = 1
GCF(69,257) x common factors =1 x 1 = 1
LCM(69,257) = ( 69 × 257 ) / 1
LCM(69,257) = 17733 / 1
LCM(69,257) = 17733
Here are some samples of GCF of Fractions calculations.
1. What is the HCF of 353,193?
The HCF of 353,193 is 1
2. What is the GCF of a fraction?
The GCF of a fraction is defined as the greatest fraction that divides exactly into 2 or more fractions.
3. How to find GCF in Fractions?
Answer: GCF of fractions can be found using the simple formula GCF of Fractions = GCF of Numerators/LCM of Denominators.
4. What is the GCF of Fractions for 353/69, 193/257?
Answer: GCF of Numerators as per given numbers 353/69, 193/257 is
GCF of Numerators i.e. for 353,193 is 1
LCM of denominators i.e. for 69,257 is 17733.
Thus, GCF of Fractions is 1/17733.Finally, GCF of Fractions for 353/69, 193/257 is 1/17733.