With the aid of the LCM of Fractions Calculator, you can rapidly get the lowest common multiple of fractions 1008/384, 2064/576. Get the simple steps to find LCM of 1008/384, 2064/576 is 225.75.
LCM(1008/384, 2064/576) = 225.75
Enter two or more fractions separated by "commas"
Ex: 2/3, 5/7 or 3/5, 5/9, 7/3
Given values are 1008/384, 2064/576
LCM of the Fractions formula is LCM = LCM of Numerators/GCF of Denominators
So, LCM of 1008/384, 2064/576 = LCM of (1008, 2064) /GCF of (384, 576)
The least common multiple of 1008, 2064 is 43344
The GCF of 384, 576 is 192
By substituting these values in the LCM formula
LCM of fractions 1008/384, 2064/576 is 43344/192 = 225.75
Therefore, the lowest common multiple of 1008/384, 2064/576 is 225.75.
Given numbers are 1008, 2064
2 | 1008, 2064 |
2 | 504, 1032 |
2 | 252, 516 |
2 | 126, 258 |
3 | 63, 129 |
3 | 21, 43 |
7 | 7, 43 |
43 | 1, 43 |
1, 1, 1 |
So, the Lowest Common Multiple of 1008, 2064 is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 43 = 43344.
Given numbers are 384, 576
There is no common factor between the given numbers
So, the GCF of 384, 576 is 192
Thus, LCM Of 1008/384, 2064/576 = LCM of 1008, 2064/GCF of 384, 576
= 43344/192 = 225.75
Therefore, the least common multiple of fractions 1008/384, 2064/576 is 225.75.
1. What is the formula used to calculate lcm of fractions?
The formula used to find the LCM Of fractions is LCM = LCM of Numerators/GCF of Denominators.
2. What is the LCM of fractions 1008/384, 2064/576?
The LCM of fractions 1008/384, 2064/576 is 225.75.