With the aid of the LCM of Fractions Calculator, you can rapidly get the lowest common multiple of fractions 65/75, 30/40, 50/60. Get the simple steps to find LCM of 65/75, 30/40, 50/60 is 390.
LCM(65/75, 30/40, 50/60) = 390
Enter two or more fractions separated by "commas"
Ex: 2/3, 5/7 or 3/5, 5/9, 7/3
Given values are 65/75, 30/40, 50/60
LCM of the Fractions formula is LCM = LCM of Numerators/GCF of Denominators
So, LCM of 65/75, 30/40, 50/60 = LCM of (65, 30, 50) /GCF of (75, 40, 60)
The least common multiple of 65, 30, 50 is 1950
The GCF of 75, 40, 60 is 5
By substituting these values in the LCM formula
LCM of fractions 65/75, 30/40, 50/60 is 1950/5 = 390
Therefore, the lowest common multiple of 65/75, 30/40, 50/60 is 390.
Given numbers are 65, 30, 50
2 | 65, 30, 50 |
3 | 65, 15, 25 |
5 | 65, 5, 25 |
5 | 13, 1, 5 |
13 | 13, 1, 1 |
1, 1, 1 |
So, the Lowest Common Multiple of 65, 30, 50 is 2 x 3 x 5 x 5 x 13 = 1950.
Given numbers are 75, 40, 60
There is no common factor between the given numbers
So, the GCF of 75, 40, 60 is 5
Thus, LCM Of 65/75, 30/40, 50/60 = LCM of 65, 30, 50/GCF of 75, 40, 60
= 1950/5 = 390
Therefore, the least common multiple of fractions 65/75, 30/40, 50/60 is 390.
1. What is the formula used to calculate lcm of fractions?
The formula used to find the LCM Of fractions is LCM = LCM of Numerators/GCF of Denominators.
2. What is the LCM of fractions 65/75, 30/40, 50/60?
The LCM of fractions 65/75, 30/40, 50/60 is 390.